Insurance Information

We accept Alabama’s “All Kids” which is a low cost, health care coverage program for children and teens under age 19. It is administered through BCBS of Alabama.

We are in-network providers for several products offered by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama: Preferred Medical Doctors (PMD), PPO, Alabama Personal Choice (PCN-Primary Care Network. Please see your summary of plan benefits for coverage details.​


Some out of state plans require a home state provider for maximum benefits. Please contact your home plan for specific requirements. BCBS of Georgia has an HMO plan that has limited benefits available for services provided by Alabama physicians.​


We are in-network providers for United Healthcare, but some plan benefits associated with United Healthcare are not available locally. Please see your summary of plan benefits for coverage details.


We accept Alabama Medicaid, but we are not providers for out of state Medicaid plans. Patients with out of state Medicaid coverage should call their plan for service options.​


We are in-network providers for Cigna Healthcare, but some plan benefits associated with Cigna Healthcare are not available locally. Please see your summary of plan benefits for coverage details.


We are in-network providers for Aetna Healthcare, but some plan benefits associated with Aetna Healthcare are not available locally. Please see your summary of plan benefits for coverage details.​


Due to the complex nature of the Military Health System, you should consult with Tricare officials to determine benefits and specific coverage. Some benefits associated with Tricare are not available locally.


All our providers are network providers for the commercial line of Viva Health. Please see your summary of plan benefits for individual coverage details.


Contact Purohit Pediatric Clinic